How quaternion algebras over number fields are useful for creating compiler for a quantum computer?

Solving the following problem is crucial when compiling for a quantum computer: given a finite set $G$ of elements of $SU(2)$, target element $U$ from $SU(2)$ and real number $\epsilon$ find $g_1,\dotsc, g_N$ from $G$ such that $\| g_1 \dotsm g_N - U \| < \epsilon$. It is known that if Hecke operator corresponding to $G$ has spectral gap, then $N$ can always be chosen to be less than $C_1 \log(1/ \epsilon) + C_2$ for constants $C_1$ and $C_2$ depending only on $G$. For example, this is the case when entries of elements of $G$ are algebraic numbers [J. Bourgain, A. Gamburd, On the spectral gap for finitely-generated subgroups of $SU(2)$]. When building a compiler for quantum computer one needs an efficient algorithm for finding the sequence $g_1, ..., g_N$ given $U$ and epsilon such that $N < C_1 \log(1/ \epsilon) + C_2$. In my talk I will review the recent progress towards such an algorithm for finite sets $G$ related to maximal orders of quaternion algebras over number fields and state many open questions. The talk is partially based on my joint work with Jon Yard



Vadym Kliuchnikov


Microsoft Research